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Programmatic, Core Web Vitals and GDPR: How Opti Digital reconciles performance and compliance for

June, 2024

Rank in the Top 3

in Sticky Ad Units

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Up to +30%

Revenue Lift

Depending on Display Ad Units

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About Vidal is France’s leading reference site for information on health products, attracting over twelve million monthly visitors, according to the Alliance pour les Chiffres de la Presse et des Médias. This online platform caters to both healthcare professionals—offering detailed data on drugs, other health products, and therapeutics—and the public, with accessible health content written in clear, understandable language tailored to non-specialists.

In this way, positions itself as an essential resource, meeting the specific needs of healthcare professionals while also serving the public seeking reliable health information.


The challenge had two primary objectives: first, to optimize display performance (excluding the health sector) through RTB (Real-Time Bidding) via Google Ad Exchange on the site’s consumer content; and second, to find a technology partner that complied with GDPR requirements. With an audience of over 12 million visitors, the media company also sought to integrate technologies that would protect the user experience as much as possible, thereby preserving its traffic and maintaining the site’s readability.

To meet these challenges, partnered with Opti Digital. Together, we aimed to enhance the site’s advertising performance through advanced technologies, the integration of premium partners, and proactive support from our teams.

Our solution

Our partnership with began in February 2024, marking the start of a significant advertising transformation. By deploying our light cloud wrapper to Google AdManager, we integrated a robust, GDPR-compliant advertising stack. This setup includes lazy loading technology for an optimal user experience, ad refreshment based on viewability, a dynamic price floor solution to maximize revenue, and an innovative ad format inspired by the Story format of social platforms.

This integration allowed to seamlessly combine web performance with a high-quality user experience. As a result, we quickly observed revenues exceeding their initial target by 13%, along with improvements in their Core Web Vitals scores, particularly in INP and CLS.

Our initial trial with a technology partner didn't achieve the expected results due to a lack of competition in the auctions. It was ultimately on the advice of a consultant that we adopted Opti Digital's wrapper, a solution that is both high-performing and compliant with GDPR requirements.

About Opti Digital

Opti Digital, a leading AdTech company, develops cutting-edge solutions based on artificial intelligence to help online media publishers maximize their advertising profits. Our comprehensive monetization platform automatically manages advertising inventory, optimizing revenues without compromising site performance.

Opti Digital stands out with its ultra-light advertising stack and simplified integration through a single tag. Our advanced AI technology enables publishers to optimize revenues in real time, with full transparency provided by a comprehensive analytics dashboard, including real-time audience data and revenues by URL and source.

Opti Digital partners with international publishers across EMEA and North America, committed to providing cutting-edge, cookieless, and eco-friendly solutions. Our approach ensures that our customers remain at the forefront of the market while preserving and enhancing the user experience.


13% increase in revenue over initial forecasts

74% average viewability rate

36 million optimized ad impressions per month

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